What is change? To switch, change methods
To undergo transformation
To go from one phrase to another
As the moon or as the seasons
There are a variety of changes
That must occur in our everyday lives
Alterations of attitudes, our Praise & Worship
Towards our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
Change is needed for the development and growth
In our homes, in Society and in our Church
Never limit your dreams or goals
Regardless to whether it's easy, hard, or difficult
Why is it so hard for people to change?
They get comfortable with a pattern or routine
Why complain about the thing outside our control
We make the process harder than it seems
The process of change will seem challenging
Going from one phase to another
God has given us the ability to achieve greatness
We start by loving and trusting each other
Let's get equipped to deal with transition
Lay aside every hindrance you struggle with
Do whatever it takes to transform
Wear humility as a glove with the perfect fit
Don't be afraid to try something different
Or even something new
Embrace each opportunity to grow in God
The change begins with me and you
And now that the change has come
And taken place in our life,
There should be some signs...
There's no excuse, why
The New Beginning shouldn't flourish
Like never before here in 2009
By: Deaconess Monique Turner